So when I was telling people about my 2011 project to re-read all of my comics, one person jokingly said that he would spend 2011 trying to read all the comics that he'd bought and not read. I laughed, then I got a good deal on a long box of books. It looks like I'm going to spend the beginning of this year reading those books.
One series that I just read and really enjoyed was Great Lakes Avengers "Misassembled." It's written by Dan Slott, so it must be good. Essentially, the GLA is a team of z-list heroes in the mid-west with weird powers. One member has the ability to add as much fat to her body as she wishes and can get rid of it by making herself throw up. Another member is a reluctant immortal (seen it 1,000 before!) who is constantly trying to kill himself. And of course, there is Squirel Girl who throws nuts at people and talks to squirels. This book pulls off the over-the-top Deadpool style humor without feeling forced like many of the Deadpool titles out these days.
I've also been reading some classic What If issues. I've always liked the nature of What If books, because of the way they so often end in the apocalypse or utopia. However, I did figure out why it is no longer a regular title. These days, if someone thinks of a What If, they just make it regular continuity. I mean, there are actually books titled "What if Spiderman hadn't married Mary Jane?" and "What if The Punisher became Captain America?" In addition, there are plenty of "What if so and so had lived?" or "What if so and so had died?" Overall, though, I like the way What If books are almost always self-contained stories. They prove that any story can be told in 22 pages or less. Stan Lee would tell you that any story can be told in 1 page, but I don't quite buy that.
That's all I've got for now...
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